3 Tips for a More Energy-Efficient Home

Imagine if you could keep your home comfortable while also cutting down on costs. With our energy-saving tips, you can do just that. Unlock the secrets to a smarter more sustainable home and keep your wallet fuller all year long.

Tip 1: Eliminate Energy Vampires

Meet the energy vampires: the sneaky household appliances and devices that suck up unused electricity and drive up your energy bill. These creatures aren't easy to spot, lurking in the shadows of your seemingly powered-off electronics. But make no mistake, they can bleed your wallet dry and rack up your electric bill if they’re in standby mode or just “sleeping” and not fully turned off. Don't let these energy suckers drain your energy and your wallet:

  • Big screen TV

  • Clock radio

  • Computer cords

  • Coffee maker

  • DVD, DVR, VCR player

  • Garage door opener

  • Microwave

  • Modem

  • MP3 player

  • Stereo

  • Printer

  • Router

  • Video game console

Revamp your home's energy usage with the help of a smart home hub. Gone are the days of cluelessly leaving devices on standby and unknowingly adding to your energy bill. By relying on a central hub to control all of your appliances and devices, you can prevent them from being energy vampires. Take a stroll around your home and discover the many culprits lurking in every room. From the living room to the kitchen, no corner is safe from the grip of energy-draining devices. Thankfully, with smart technology, you can put a stake in their power-hungry habits and keep your bills at bay.

Designed to help you combat energy leakage, this innovative gadget also gives you instant control over your living space. From managing the temperature to selecting your favorite tunes, you can finally enjoy seamless voice control just like you would with Echo, Google Home, or Siri. Plus, with pre-recorded energy settings, you can save even more energy effortlessly. It's time to take charge of your comfort and efficiency with a smart home hub.

Tip 2: Smart Devices that Save You Money

These additions to the smart technology family promise ultimate comfort while saving you money. These innovative gadgets will change the way you think about home automation.


Smart Thermostat

Transform your home into a cozy and energy-efficient oasis with the power of smart thermostats. Say goodbye to constantly fussing with the temperature and hello to advanced programming that remembers your preferences. With the power to control your heating and cooling costs, you can rest easy knowing you're saving both money and energy. A smart thermostat can even make sure your home is the perfect temperature before you arrive, providing comfort, convenience, and savings all rolled into one.


Smart Outlets

Join the smart home revolution with smart switches. No more fumbling around in the dark. Instead, enjoy the convenience of remote control for your lights, fans, and appliances. With voice or app control, you can easily adjust your home environment to your liking. If you forget to turn off the lights, no problem, just whip out your phone and take care of it from anywhere. If you’re feeling too stuffy, simply ask Alexa or Google Assistant to power up your ceiling fan. Plus, you'll love the savings on your energy bill when you can monitor and control usage with ease.

Tip 3: Rooftop Solar Installations & Electric Car Chargers

Introducing the newest additions to smart homes: solar installations and electric car charging stations. Use less energy, save money, and make your life easier with these efficient new features.

Rooftop Solar Power

Not only are they visually appealing, but these solar panels could also help you save big on your energy bill. With the ability to cut usage, it's no wonder homeowners are eager to have this efficient technology. Plus, with the added convenience of in-home battery energy storage, your smart home just got even smarter.


EV Charging Stations

Imagine never having to stop at a gas station again. For those who have made the switch to electric vehicles, the convenience of home charging is unparalleled. With the installation of an EV charging station, you'll be able to charge up your ride in no time, and you'll even save energy in the process. Plus, some homeowners have the option to have a built-in charging station right in their garage.


If you want to keep up with the latest in smart home technology, look no further than Pulte Homes, a leader in building homes that incorporate smart technology. From controlling your home's temperature with just your voice to setting up a security system that syncs with your smartphone, Pulte smart homes have it all. 

Discover stunning floor plans and check out Pulte's new home communities today! For more design tips, local attraction guides, and homeowner lifestyle articles, check out the Pulte Homes blog for inspiration.

Contributed by Carol Youmans

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